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Most Visited Links Today

February 19, 2014

Competency-Based Degrees: Coming Soon to a Campus Near You Today: 102 Total: 619
Metacademy: a package manager for knowledge Today: 87 Total: 725
The King of MOOCs Abdicates the Throne Today: 70 Total: 13662
Buying Our Way into Bondage: The Risks of Adaptive Learning Services Today: 69 Total: 26229
Let's Unbundle Today: 68 Total: 744
Leveling the higher ed playing field with free educational content Today: 56 Total: 568
Visualizing a cMOOC Today: 54 Total: 24973
MOOCs Are Reaching Only Privileged Learners, Survey Finds Today: 54 Total: 15474
A Personal Learning Framework Today: 51 Total: 723
We Don’t Sell Saddles Here Today: 49 Total: 811
How many software developers would it take to change a lightbulb? Today: 42 Total: 652
Sorting Isn’t Always Simple Today: 42 Total: 618
Productivity and online learning redux Today: 31 Total: 3779
Matching Skills and Labour Market Needs: Building Social Partnerships for better skills and better jobs Today: 31 Total: 847
Future of the MOOC Today: 25 Total: 11118
The Downes Prize 2013 Today: 25 Total: 11435
Tiny Robots Mimic Termites' Ability to Build without a Leader Today: 24 Total: 1056
Probabilistic Programming for Advancing Machine Learning Today: 23 Total: 9911
State of the Anglosphere’s Higher Education LMS Market: 2013 Edition Today: 22 Total: 7371
Ammon Road Today: 22 Total: 642

Most Visited Links of 2012

Totals are since September 7, 2010

The World's Most Advanced Free Community Software Today: 9 Total: 110526
Introducing YouTube EDU! Today: 90 Total: 59903
Measuring Your Blog'S Outcomes and Use of Other Social Media Tools Today: 35 Total: 46426
eGenerations and the Rest Today: 11 Total: 36505
Jury Supports Blackboard Patent Today: 77 Total: 35110
David Byrne on How Music and Creativity Work Today: 96 Total: 31794
Introducing Edupunk Today: 80 Total: 29562
Blogs As PLEs Today: 79 Total: 27784
Buying Our Way into Bondage: The Risks of Adaptive Learning Services Today: 69 Total: 26229
State of Learning in Canada: Toward a Learning Future Today: 80 Total: 25855
I'm Majoring in Facebook, How About You? Today: 59 Total: 25262
Visualizing a cMOOC Today: 54 Total: 24973
eLearn Magazine 2008 Predictions Are Out! Today: 65 Total: 23770
Idea Framing, Metaphors, and Your Brain Today: 44 Total: 22352
Web 2.0 Is About Giving Up Some Control Today: 60 Total: 21771
Posts About MOOCs Today: 2 Total: 21390
Don't Congratulate the Butterfly .... Today: 73 Total: 21333
Heave Ho, Scallywags, There's Events Listings O'er Thar to Liberate Today: 55 Total: 21271
Subliminal Pattern Recognition and RSS Readers Today: 62 Total: 20034
Memento: Protocol-Based Time Travel for the Web Today: 46 Total: 19907
Do Learning Styles Exist? Today: 64 Total: 19324
Pimp My Course Today: 54 Total: 19253
Abstraction Distraction Today: 53 Total: 19158
Off With Their heads! Copyright Infringement in the Canadian Online Higher Educational Environment Today: 105 Total: 18701
Speaking to Ascilite, ACODE and Desire2Learn Today: 53 Total: 18677
Top 100 Tools for Learning 2007 Today: 55 Total: 18636
Dreaming My Dreams Today: 56 Total: 18598
Facebook's E-Mail Censorship Is Legally Dubious, Experts Say Today: 54 Total: 18293
Misconceptions About Reuse Today: 41 Total: 18131
Is the Edublogosphere a Closed, Elite Cocktail Party? Today: 43 Total: 18061
A Bag of Gold Today: 18 Total: 18030
Hiatus Today: 52 Total: 17806
Definition of MOOC in English Today: 19 Total: 17669
Resistance is Useful: Thoughts Concerning How to Respectfully Move Teaching and Learning Online Today: 53 Total: 17583
Groups vs Networks: The Class Struggle Continues Today: 50 Total: 17357
Google Bring Scholar Richness Into Normal Search Results Today: 14 Total: 17333
Josh Jarboe YouTube Video Controversy Shows the Value of Transparent, Publish-at-Will Technologies Today: 45 Total: 16772
Comments On Proving the Potential of Virtual Worlds Today: 74 Total: 16648
Spoken Internet To Go: Popularization through Podcasting Today: 68 Total: 16632
Blended Learning? Today: 22 Total: 16175

Most Visited Links All Time

Totals are since September 7, 2010

The World's Most Advanced Free Community Software Today: 9 Total: 110526
Introducing YouTube EDU! Today: 90 Total: 59903
Measuring Your Blog'S Outcomes and Use of Other Social Media Tools Today: 35 Total: 46426
eGenerations and the Rest Today: 11 Total: 36505
Jury Supports Blackboard Patent Today: 77 Total: 35110
David Byrne on How Music and Creativity Work Today: 96 Total: 31794
Introducing Edupunk Today: 80 Total: 29562
Blogs As PLEs Today: 79 Total: 27784
Buying Our Way into Bondage: The Risks of Adaptive Learning Services Today: 69 Total: 26229
State of Learning in Canada: Toward a Learning Future Today: 80 Total: 25855
I'm Majoring in Facebook, How About You? Today: 59 Total: 25262
Visualizing a cMOOC Today: 54 Total: 24973
eLearn Magazine 2008 Predictions Are Out! Today: 65 Total: 23770
Idea Framing, Metaphors, and Your Brain Today: 44 Total: 22352
Web 2.0 Is About Giving Up Some Control Today: 60 Total: 21771
Posts About MOOCs Today: 2 Total: 21390
Don't Congratulate the Butterfly .... Today: 73 Total: 21333
Heave Ho, Scallywags, There's Events Listings O'er Thar to Liberate Today: 55 Total: 21271
Subliminal Pattern Recognition and RSS Readers Today: 62 Total: 20034
Memento: Protocol-Based Time Travel for the Web Today: 46 Total: 19907