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Most Visited Links Today

January 18, 2014

Posts About MOOCs Today: 10492 Total: 10490
Buying Our Way into Bondage: The Risks of Adaptive Learning Services Today: 9708 Total: 9708
Visualizing a cMOOC Today: 8671 Total: 8665
Discussing design models for hybrid/blended learning and the impact on the campus Today: 7623 Total: 7621
Definition of MOOC in English Today: 7608 Total: 7608
You didn’t make the Harlem Shake go viral—corporations did Today: 5409 Total: 5409
MOOCs Are Reaching Only Privileged Learners, Survey Finds Today: 5334 Total: 5332
Resisting the Marketisation of Learning Today: 5306 Total: 5305
The Empire acquires the rebel alliance: Mendeley users revolt against Elsevier takeover Today: 4997 Total: 4997
Reclaim Open Learning Today: 4840 Total: 4840
MOOCs: taxonomy of 8 types of MOOC Today: 4416 Total: 4416
MOOCs: A systematic study of the published literature 2008-2012 Today: 4403 Total: 4403
The Quality of Massive Open Online Courses Today: 4224 Total: 4224
Huge attack on WordPress sites could spawn never-before-seen super botnet Today: 3933 Total: 3932
How to Set Up Your Own Private Cloud Storage Service in Five Minutes with OwnCloud Today: 3868 Total: 3868
Probabilistic Programming for Advancing Machine Learning Today: 3861 Total: 3861
Future of the MOOC Today: 3844 Total: 3843
The Pedagogy of MOOCs Today: 3809 Total: 3809
Perspectives on Open and Distance Learning: Open Educational Resources: Innovation, Research and Practice Today: 3783 Total: 3783
Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers Today: 3760 Total: 3760

Most Visited Links of 2012

Totals are since September 7, 2010

The World's Most Advanced Free Community Software Today: 54662 Total: 54657
Introducing YouTube EDU! Today: 27505 Total: 27504
Measuring Your Blog'S Outcomes and Use of Other Social Media Tools Today: 19765 Total: 19764
eGenerations and the Rest Today: 17426 Total: 17426
Jury Supports Blackboard Patent Today: 13312 Total: 13309
Blogs As PLEs Today: 10652 Total: 10652
Introducing Edupunk Today: 10541 Total: 10541
Posts About MOOCs Today: 10492 Total: 10490
I'm Majoring in Facebook, How About You? Today: 10113 Total: 10112
David Byrne on How Music and Creativity Work Today: 9955 Total: 9955
Buying Our Way into Bondage: The Risks of Adaptive Learning Services Today: 9708 Total: 9708
State of Learning in Canada: Toward a Learning Future Today: 8796 Total: 8795
eLearn Magazine 2008 Predictions Are Out! Today: 8739 Total: 8738
Visualizing a cMOOC Today: 8671 Total: 8665
Heave Ho, Scallywags, There's Events Listings O'er Thar to Liberate Today: 8409 Total: 8409
A Bag of Gold Today: 7828 Total: 7828
Memento: Protocol-Based Time Travel for the Web Today: 7734 Total: 7732
Discussing design models for hybrid/blended learning and the impact on the campus Today: 7623 Total: 7621
Google Bring Scholar Richness Into Normal Search Results Today: 7609 Total: 7608
Definition of MOOC in English Today: 7608 Total: 7608
Don't Congratulate the Butterfly .... Today: 7525 Total: 7524
Web 2.0 Is About Giving Up Some Control Today: 7495 Total: 7494
Pimp My Course Today: 7409 Total: 7408
Abstraction Distraction Today: 7369 Total: 7368
Speaking to Ascilite, ACODE and Desire2Learn Today: 7117 Total: 7116
Top 100 Tools for Learning 2007 Today: 7109 Total: 7109
Wikipedia's Imminent Demise? Today: 7110 Total: 7109
Blended Learning? Today: 7096 Total: 7096
Facebook's E-Mail Censorship Is Legally Dubious, Experts Say Today: 6944 Total: 6943
Idea Framing, Metaphors, and Your Brain Today: 6905 Total: 6903
Misconceptions About Reuse Today: 6746 Total: 6746
Subliminal Pattern Recognition and RSS Readers Today: 6734 Total: 6734
Is the Edublogosphere a Closed, Elite Cocktail Party? Today: 6714 Total: 6714
Resistance is Useful: Thoughts Concerning How to Respectfully Move Teaching and Learning Online Today: 6574 Total: 6574
What's Really Going on in the Latest Openness Discussion? Today: 6288 Total: 6288
Revolutions in Higher Education: how many dimensions of openness? Today: 6286 Total: 6286
Do Learning Styles Exist? Today: 6238 Total: 6238
If You Only Had One Minute to Pitch Your Story Today: 6232 Total: 6232
Open Education: Content and Community Today: 6126 Total: 6126
Social Bookmarking in Higher Education Today: 6121 Total: 6121

Most Visited Links All Time

Totals are since September 7, 2010

The World's Most Advanced Free Community Software Today: 54662 Total: 54657
Introducing YouTube EDU! Today: 27505 Total: 27504
Measuring Your Blog'S Outcomes and Use of Other Social Media Tools Today: 19765 Total: 19764
eGenerations and the Rest Today: 17426 Total: 17426
Jury Supports Blackboard Patent Today: 13312 Total: 13309
Blogs As PLEs Today: 10652 Total: 10652
Introducing Edupunk Today: 10541 Total: 10541
Posts About MOOCs Today: 10492 Total: 10490
I'm Majoring in Facebook, How About You? Today: 10113 Total: 10112
David Byrne on How Music and Creativity Work Today: 9955 Total: 9955
Buying Our Way into Bondage: The Risks of Adaptive Learning Services Today: 9708 Total: 9708
State of Learning in Canada: Toward a Learning Future Today: 8796 Total: 8795
eLearn Magazine 2008 Predictions Are Out! Today: 8739 Total: 8738
Visualizing a cMOOC Today: 8671 Total: 8665
Heave Ho, Scallywags, There's Events Listings O'er Thar to Liberate Today: 8409 Total: 8409
A Bag of Gold Today: 7828 Total: 7828
Memento: Protocol-Based Time Travel for the Web Today: 7734 Total: 7732
Discussing design models for hybrid/blended learning and the impact on the campus Today: 7623 Total: 7621
Google Bring Scholar Richness Into Normal Search Results Today: 7609 Total: 7608
Definition of MOOC in English Today: 7608 Total: 7608