Tony Bates writes, "Despite all the hype about MOOCs, hybrid learning is probably the most significant development in e-learning – or indeed in teaching generally – in post-secondary education, at least here in Canada." I think that if you look inside universities, this is true. But outside formal education institutions, the hybrid model is virtually nonexistent. Anyhow, Bates surveys the motivations and different forms of the hybrid model (such as flipped classrooms, intense rwsidency, and reduced class hours). He then complains "there's nothing on how to decide what should be done face-toi-face rather than online" - but I ssuspect he's maybe looking in the wrong places. At anyrate, the bulk of the latter haldf of this article is addressed to that question. Me, I focus on what can be done outside institutions, where we don't have the luxury or large air-conditioned campuses with beautiful lawns and ample parking.
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