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Stephen Downes

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Author Record: Michael Geist

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Michael Geist
Toronto Star
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The Toronto Star

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Recent Posts

Sony Rootkit Redux: Canadian Business Groups Lobby For Right To Install Spyware on Your Computer
ere Comes ACTA: Canadian Government Introduces Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement Compliance Bill
The Canadian Wireless Debate is Over: How the Incumbent Carriers Lost the Support of the Government
The Day We Fight Back Against Mass Internet Surveillance: What Canadians Can Do
How a 20 Year Old Patent Application Could Up-End Canada’s Biggest Trade Deal
Canadian Government Banning Settlement Demands in Copyright Notice-and-Notice System
A Licence With Limited Value: Copyright Board Delivers Devastating Defeat to Access Copyright
Separating Fact From Fiction: The Reality of Canadian Copyright, Fair Dealing, and Education
61 Reforms to C-61 - Wrap-Up Post
They Indeed Have Gone Crazy
The Future of Education Is Here, It's Just Not Evenly Distributed
CIHR Introduces New Open Access Policy
Copyright Consultation Launches: Time For Canadians To Speak Out
UK Mobile Operators Blocking Pirate Bay
Unravelling the Canadian Copyright Policy Laundering Strategy
The 2009 Canadian Copyright Lobby Scoreboard
Ex-Conference Board Author Speaks Out; Confirms Push Back From Copyright Lobby Funders
OECD Report Finds Canadian Broadband Slow, Expensive
Canada's Telecom Crisis: My Appearance Before the Senate Transport and Communications Committee
Key Case Restores Copyright Balance
Net Copyright Reform: It's Deep in Policy Agenda
Why We Must Stand On Guard Over Copyright
Elsevier Published Six Fake Journals
The Bell Wake-Up Call
Low-tech Case Has High-tech Impact
Crack the Coursepack
A Blueprint for Better Copyright Law
Mr. Minister, Please Protect The Public Interest
Conference Board of Canada Issues Statement on IP Reports
Technology Plays Key Role in Obama Success Story
Copyright and the Internet: Is There a Canadian Way?
National Web Library Do-able, Affordable, Visionary
Music Industry Doesn't Need More Government Protection
What Do You Want The Internet To Be?
Canadian MP Says Extended Licensing Proposal Delayed
Japanese Study Finds No Negative Impact From P2P
Copyright's Convergence
Piercing the Peer–to–peer Myths: An Examination of the Canadian Experience
We Can Help Bridge the Digital Divide
The Upcoming Copyright Clash
Canada Introduces New Copyright Bill
The Price of Canadian Heritage
Stand Up
The Coming Battle Over Education and Copyright
CBC Bans Use of Creative Commons Music on Podcasts
Coming Clean on Copyright
The Lasting Impact of Sony's Rootkit
The Canadian Move Toward Open Access
IDRC Launches Open Archive Initiative
FCC Commissioned Study Assesses Why Canada Lags On Broadband
Government to Introduce Anti-Spam Legislation
Bangkok Post Points to Canada As Evidence That Special 301 Ham Handed Protectionism
Setting the IFPI Record Straight
30 Days of DRM
Defective by Design's Day Against DRM Launches as Public Policy Report Aggregator
Digital Info Strategy Requires Courage Before Cash
Canadian Documentary Film Makers Speak Out on Copyright
Movie Piracy Claims More Fiction Than Fact
The End of Captain Copyright
Conference Board Ignored Independent Study Commissioned For Digital Economy Report
US Copyright Lobby Out-of-Touch
Open Access Reshaping Rules of Research
Records Indicate Government Misusing Crown Copyright
The Conference Board of Canada's Deceptive, Plagiarized Digital Economy Report
Storm Clouds Ahead for Canadian Wireless World
Museums and Misleading Copyright
Putting Canadian "Piracy" in Perspective - The Sources
This Year It's Hair Salons
Getting Social Networks to Socialize
Big Day for Fair Copyright
Fearing Legalized P2P Downloading, CRIA Declares War On Private Copying Levy
Copyright Delay Demonstrates the Power of Facebook
Concordia Blocking Access to Facebook
Broadcaster Plan Involves More Than Just Fee-For-Carriage
How the Internet On Cable Became the Internet As Cable
Access Copyright Claims Copyright Reforms May Be On Hold Indefinitely
The Canadian DMCA: A Betrayal
The Canadian DMCA: A Summary To-Date
Is Prentice's Copyright Bill Born in the U.S.A.?
U.S. Copyright Lobby Complains About Canadian Copyright
Crystal Ball Gazing at the Coming Year in Tech Law
New Title, Same Report
The Cost of Culture.Ca
Deadline Nears to Speak Out On Net Neutrality
Quebecor Opens Door to Canadian Three Strikes Policy Launches: My New Site on the Copyright Consultation
Tracking the Copyright Consultation Submissions - Brief Summaries (July 20, 21)
The Return of Captain Copyright? CIPO Launches Promoting Respect for IP Rights
Digitization of Canada's heritage left to Google
Still Time To Speak Out: Government Grants 48 Hour Extension For Submissions
Canadian Universities Too Closed Minded on Open Access
Record industry faces liability over infringement
SOCAN's Secret Copyright Submission Posted Online
EU's IP Negotiating Strategy With Canada Leaks: Calls 2009 Copyright Consult a Tactic to Confuse
NFB Unreels Online Smash Hits
Geist: Technology giants defend Canada's copyright law
EU Demands Canada Completely Overhaul Its Intellectual Property Laws
PMO Issues The Order: Canadian DMCA Bill Within Six Weeks
Separating Fact from Fiction: My Fair Copyright Proposals
Canadian Students on the Fight for Fair Copyright
The Copyright Lobby's Astroturf Campaign in Support of C-32
Commercialization of IP In Canadian Universities: Barely Better Than Break Even
Millions at Stake in Education Copyright Battle
From "Radical Extremism" to "Balanced Copyright": Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda
Canadian Education Faces Technology Tipping Point
Speak Out on Copyright: The Bill C-32 Edition
U.S. Government Funding For Open Education Materials a "Game Changer"
Civil Society Groups Reject OECD Internet Policy Principles
What a Difference Two Years Can Make: Canadian Broadcasters and Distributors on the Internet
Wikileaks Cables Show Massive U.S. Effort to Establish Canadian DMCA
Why The Situation Is Likely to Get Worse for Access Copyright (But Not Necessarily for Authors)
Queen's, Calgary Latest To Drop Access Copyright Licence
The Access Copyright Interim Tariff Opt-Out List
Why Isn't YouTube Canadian?: My Appearance Before the Industry Committee
Copyright Is Back: Why Canada is Keeping the Flawed Digital Lock Rules
Copyright and the Right
Help Preserve the Canadian Public Domain: Speak Out on the Trans Pacific Partnership Negotiations
CRTC Stands By New Disclosure Requirement on Software Installs Over Objections From ESAC, RIM
Why Bill C-11's Digital Lock Rules May Hurt Copyright Enforcement
Access Copyright and AUCC Strike a Deal: What It Means for Innovation in Education
Other People's Money: Why AUCC Signed the Most Expensive Copyright Insurance Policy in Cdn History
How To Address Canadian Media Convergence if Bell - Astral is Approved
The European Parliament Rejects ACTA: The Impossible Becomes Possible
Brian Brett Speaks Out: An Open Letter on Access Copyright and the Canadian Copyright Emergency
The Battle over C-11 Concludes: How Thousands of Canadians Changed The Copyright Debate
ACCC Legal Counsel: Access Copyright Licence Provides "Little Value"
How Canadians Reclaimed the Public Interest on Digital Policy
Canadian Copyright Reform In Force: Expanded User Rights Now the Law
The Shattered Mirror, Part Two: The Underwhelming Recommendation for Open Licensing at the CBC
The Copyright Lobby’s IIPA Report: Fake News About the State of Canadian Copyright
Net Neutrality Alive and Well in Canada: CRTC Crafts Full Code With Zero Rating Decision
Australian Copyright Scandal Points to the Need for Greater Oversight of Copyright Collectives
Toward a Canadian Knowledge Transfer Strategy: My Appearance Before the Standing Committee on Industry, Science and Technology
Canadian Telcos Take Aim At Kodi Addon Site With Shocking Search: True Purpose to “Destroy Livelihood of the Defendant”
Bell Calls for CRTC-Backed Website Blocking System and Complete Criminalization of Copyright in NAFTA
Bell Leads on Radical Proposal for CRTC-Backed Mandatory Website Blocking System
Canada’s SOPA Moment: Why the CRTC Should Reject the Bell Coalition’s Dangerous Internet Blocking Plan
Misleading on Fair Dealing
Misleading on Fair Dealing, Part 7: My Appearance Before the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage
The Authoritative Canadian Copyright Review: Industry Committee Issues Balanced, Forward-Looking Report on the Future of Canadian Copyright Law
Federal Court of Appeal Deals Access Copyright Huge Blow As It Overturns York University Copyright Decision
Why the USMCA Locks in the Internet Platform Liability System in the U.S., Canada and Mexico
Why It’s Time to Reboot Canada’s Failed Digital Agenda
How Can Linking to an Article be Immoral When the Media Source Itself Does the Posting?
Privacy Pressure Points: A Closer Look at Ten Consumer Privacy Protection Act Concerns
Afraid to Lead: Canadian Government Launches Timid Consultation on Implementing Copyright Term Extension
Knowing Who to Stand Up For: Heritage Minister Steven Guilbeault and the Regulation of Free Speech
Here Comes the Online News Act: Why the Government’s Media Shakedown is Bad News For Press Independence and Competition
What is the Logic Behind The Logic’s Demand for Internet Platform Payments?
Why Justin Trudeau is Wrong About Bill C-18 and Google's Response to Mandated Payments for Links
Canadian Copyright, Fair Dealing and Education, Part Five: Open Textbooks Saving Students Millions of Dollars
Made-in-Canada Internet Takes Shape with Risks of Blocked Streaming Services and News Sharing as Bill C-18 Receives Royal Assent - Michael Geist

Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

Copyright 2024
Last Updated: Jul 27, 2024 05:17 a.m.

Canadian Flag Creative Commons License.
