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Most Visited Links Today
Feb 10, 2015
Literary studies, modesty, and a second empiricism Today: 483 Total: 483
British Columbia Economy Losing Billions due to Skills Shortage Today: 410 Total: 410
Internet Radio as an educational intervention Today: 369 Total: 369
Davos 2015 Wrap-Up: Get Ready for Breakthroughs About the Brain Today: 355 Total: 355
Samsung gives warning about talking in front of the Smart TV Today: 195 Total: 195
What’s wrong with Facebook-sponsored Internet access? Today: 193 Total: 193
The Next Internet Is TV Today: 165 Total: 1055
A Typology of Web 2.0 Learning Technologies Today: 153 Total: 1259
"Passwords are stored in plain text." Today: 146 Total: 146
Transferring Expertise: The Best Way to Move Tacit Knowledge Today: 138 Total: 304
Lifelong learning in the digital age: A content analysis of recent research on participation Today: 105 Total: 861
Chinese expert Yong Zhao warns standardized testing 'destroys schools' Today: 75 Total: 929
The best way to win an argument Today: 61 Total: 661
Creativity and ingenuity know no bounds at UofTHack Today: 60 Total: 780
Ad hoc encounters with big data: Engaging citizens in conversations around tabletops Today: 60 Total: 776
Deep Learning Today: 57 Total: 1913
Standards Based Grading Gamified With Badges Today: 47 Total: 1159
Hack This Book: Announcing Open Music Theory Today: 43 Total: 2495
New York Times Plans to Eliminate 100 Jobs in the Newsroom Today: 43 Total: 791
Five Reasons #Gamergate Connects to Educational Technology Today: 41 Total: 169
Most Visited Links of 2012
Totals are since September 7, 2010
Intellect, Emotion, Spirit, and Will: Another Side of Connectivism Today: 0 Total: 44950
No Need To Study Today: 241 Total: 7347
Users Confused About Blogs Today: 89 Total: 4391
Want even more mind-blowing TED Talks? Let’s get more STEM teachers in the classroom. Starting with … you! Today: 8 Total: 3064
NDPR Bruno Mölder, Mind Ascribed: An Elaboration and Defence of Interpretivism Today: 46 Total: 2656
Brian Lamb's The Urgency of Open Education Today: 80 Total: 2612
Introducing Edupunk Today: 97 Total: 2575
Groups and Networks Today: 81 Total: 2537
Hack This Book: Announcing Open Music Theory Today: 43 Total: 2495
Canadian physicians get advice on how to handle ‘rate my doctor’ websites Today: 12 Total: 2362
German universities face funding fears as states scrap fees Today: 29 Total: 2351
A Skeptic'S Take On Academic Blogs Today: 72 Total: 2216
If You Only Had One Minute to Pitch Your Story Today: 43 Total: 2215
Social Technographics: Conversationalists get onto the ladder Today: 81 Total: 2209
Groups vs Networks: The Class Struggle Continues Today: 98 Total: 2208
Student Faces Facebook Consequences Today: 75 Total: 2167
Do Learning Styles Exist? Today: 78 Total: 2150
Can You Plagiarize A Photograph? Today: 85 Total: 2145
Is It Finally Time to Ditch PowerPoint? Today: 77 Total: 2139
Spiders and Starfish Today: 72 Total: 2128
Pimp My Course Today: 77 Total: 2125
On the Death of Ideology Today: 81 Total: 2123
Connectivism: Learning Theory or Past Time for the Self-Amused? Today: 71 Total: 2119
Naming Does Not Necessitate Existence Today: 73 Total: 2113
7 (Outrageous) Predictions in Education Today: 77 Total: 2111
Abstraction Distraction Today: 71 Total: 2105
Heave Ho, Scallywags, There's Events Listings O'er Thar to Liberate Today: 78 Total: 2104
Sugar On Classmate PC: Edcuation 0wned by Open Source Today: 64 Total: 2104
Beyond Reduction: Philosophy of Mind and Post-Reductionist Philosophy of Science Today: 74 Total: 2098
Sudden Thoughts And Second Thoughts Today: 16 Total: 2092
Resistance is Useful: Thoughts Concerning How to Respectfully Move Teaching and Learning Online Today: 71 Total: 2081
educate/innovate Today: 75 Total: 2081
Wisdom of the Crowds Isn'T the Answer for Everything Today: 78 Total: 2080
Grandparent Games Today: 74 Total: 2074
At New Online University, Advertisers Will Underwrite Free Degrees Today: 70 Total: 2030
Does Mechanism Matter? Student Recall of Electronic versus Handwritten Feedback Today: 13 Total: 1983
LETSI - The Proposed New International Steward for SCORM Today: 1 Total: 1979
CSS Off Results Today: 2 Total: 1956
Curriculum and Content Today: 31 Total: 1951
Some Media Companies Choose to Profit From Pirated YouTube Clips Today: 0 Total: 1946
Most Visited Links All Time
Totals are since September 7, 2010
Intellect, Emotion, Spirit, and Will: Another Side of Connectivism Today: 0 Total: 44950
No Need To Study Today: 241 Total: 7347
Users Confused About Blogs Today: 89 Total: 4391
Want even more mind-blowing TED Talks? Let’s get more STEM teachers in the classroom. Starting with … you! Today: 8 Total: 3064
NDPR Bruno Mölder, Mind Ascribed: An Elaboration and Defence of Interpretivism Today: 46 Total: 2656
Brian Lamb's The Urgency of Open Education Today: 80 Total: 2612
Introducing Edupunk Today: 97 Total: 2575
Groups and Networks Today: 81 Total: 2537
Hack This Book: Announcing Open Music Theory Today: 43 Total: 2495
Canadian physicians get advice on how to handle ‘rate my doctor’ websites Today: 12 Total: 2362
German universities face funding fears as states scrap fees Today: 29 Total: 2351
A Skeptic'S Take On Academic Blogs Today: 72 Total: 2216
If You Only Had One Minute to Pitch Your Story Today: 43 Total: 2215
Social Technographics: Conversationalists get onto the ladder Today: 81 Total: 2209
Groups vs Networks: The Class Struggle Continues Today: 98 Total: 2208
Student Faces Facebook Consequences Today: 75 Total: 2167
Do Learning Styles Exist? Today: 78 Total: 2150
Can You Plagiarize A Photograph? Today: 85 Total: 2145
Is It Finally Time to Ditch PowerPoint? Today: 77 Total: 2139
Spiders and Starfish Today: 72 Total: 2128