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Attempting to format author but no record ID provided.Graham Attwell
To better understand Marines, lace up your combat boots
Stagnation or innovation in Technology Enhanced Learning?
The Community Is the Curriculum
Open Learning Is Here - Where Next?
We Have the Ideas and the Technologies - What Changes in the System Do We Need for Open Education?
On Trust and How Communities Are Organised
MOOCs, Connectivism, Humpty Dumpty and More - with Dave Cormier
Podcast: Sounds of the Bazaar LIVE From Educamp
Edupunk Won't Go Away, Edupunk Is Here to Stay
Technology Enhanced Boundary Objects and Visualising Data
Announcing Freefolio - a Social E-Portfolio
Open Accreditation - a Model
Open Education and the Cape Town Declaration
Council of Europe Endorses Open Education Resources
MOOCs Might Prove a Practical Answer?
Reshaping our practice
The MOOC Debate
Learning in Practice - a Social Perspective
If PLEs Are Incompatible with the System Then How Do We Change the System?
Eduspaces Crosses the Pond to Mystery New Home
More Thoughts On Eduspaces
Evaluating E-Learning
The Sorry Eduspaces Saga Rolls On
How to Make a Slidecast
Big Bureaucratic Pictures or Bottom Up Networks of Practice?
What Is the Difference Between an E-Portfolio and a Personal Learning Environment?
PLEs - Designing for Change
Barriers to Personal Learning Environments
Manchester PLE to be launched this week
Open and on-line at Alt-C
Vygotsky and Personal Learning Environments
Exploring Personal Learning Environments
25 practical ideas for using Mobile Phones in the Classroom
Reflections on On-line Educa Berlin
Open Educational Resources and the future of institutions
A radical definition of Open Education
Open Education: The Nature of Competence
Crowd sourcing the European foresight study: your chance to be an expert
Personal Learning Environments and Vygotsky
Where the Becta closure fits in the ConDem education policies
Why teachers oppose Academies
The novel act of combining
PLE2010 Conference – what did we achieve
How to live stream events
Open for Use? The Challenge of User Generated Content and its Impact on Open Educational Resources
Open source gesture based computing
Research on Mobile Learning
Those Barcelona PLE papers
MOOCs: a Model for Open Education?
What polegjÄ… Massive Open Online Courses (MOKO)?
Open Educational Resources, Reuse and Sharing
UK education minister calls for open source curriculum!
Personal Learning Environments: Context is King!
Social Learning Glue
Developing Work based Personal Learning Environments in Small and Medium Enterprises
Ten Innovations
Online disinhibition and the ethics of researching groups on Facebook
Learning Toolbox (LTB) Online Guide published!
What’s the problem with competency based education?
The open in MOOC must include the ability to create courses
Is this the right way to use machine learning in education?
Ethics in AI and Education
FutureLearn team up with Microsoft for online AI course
Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada