The Downes Prize 2012
Stephen Downes,
Stephen's Web,
Dec 31, 2012
In 2010, the prize was awarded to Effective Assessment in a Digital Age, published by JISC. Last year, the prize was awarded to Acceptable Use Policies in Web 2.0 & Mobile Era, by the Consortium for School Networking. Both were outstanding contributions to the field of educational technology that have stood the test of time. This year's contribution is no exception.
The 2012 Downes Prize is awarded to:
Clayton R. Wright, for his series of posts annotating educational technology conferences.
Since 2007, I have been posting the list of conferences compiled by Clayton R. Wright here on this website. It has been annually one of the most popular resources on the site, and elsewhere (as the list is posted on a variety of blogs). In 2012 he posted the 27th and 28th editions of the list. He is a fitting recipient of the prize who exemplifies the best traditions of our community.
Some other notable posts from the last year include (in no particular order):
- Clint Lalonde, So, here's the thing about the video in my Coursera course (Sept 14)
- Brian Lamb, No Content (July 26)
- Howard Knopf, The Big Fat Canadian Wedding Tax - Pay Three Pipers and Double for Dancing (June 4)
- Jennifer Shoop, Case Study 15: The Model (Dec 13)
- Ethan Allen, Easy as Pie (Nov 21)
- Steve Kolowich, Into the Fray (July 17)
- D'Arcy Norman, on commercial silo-ification of online discourse (Aug 13)
- Charles Leadbeater, Welcome to We-think: mass innovation, not mass production (Aug 10)
- Tony Vincent, Guide to Using Free Apps to Support Higher Order Thinking Skills (Feb 24)
- Sebastian Thrun, University 2.0 - Sebastian Thrun (Jan 25)
- Lisa Marie Blashke, Heutagogy and Lifelong Learning: A Review of Heutagogical Practice and Self-Determined Learning (Feb 1)
Through 2012, welcomed 334,364 unique visitors (not counting search engines) who visited 774,792 times, viewing 2,212,286 pages for a total of 12,669,823 hits. Thank you for your support over the last year and the best to all in 2013.
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