The post-Becta, QCDA and GTCE future
Doug Belshaw,
Jun 04, 2010
Doug Belshaw no doubt captures the sentiments of a lot of people with this post. Applauding the termination of Becta, the Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency, and the General Teaching Council for England, he writes, "I'm really pleased that these three organizations have gone together rather than in a piecemeal fashion. I think it signals a bright future for schools in England – so long as the Academies programme isn't used just to shuffle the money from quangos to consultants. I hope that getting rid of these organizations means that money can be channeled more effectively to schools, partnerships, federations and authorities who in a position closer to the ground to gauge its impact." He also notes, "These thoughts are my own and don't represent my employer's, my wife's or the those of Father Christmas," and I would hope readers respect his right (and responsibility) to post opinions that may not align with official (or domestic) (or Yule) policy.
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