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Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

George Siemens made a bit of a splash last week when he released his own version  of the 'quit post' (more). "I no longer want to be affiliated with the tool-fetish of edtech," he writes. "It's time to say adios to technosolutionism that recreates people as agents within a programmed infrastructure." I read this as meaning he is eschewing analytics and embracing personal learning. Of course I would read it this way, having taken the same turn myself several years ago, but consider this: "Our project with Intel involves several post docs exploring how personalization can be improved in the learning process by developing a graph model of the learner that considers contextual, cognitive, social, and metacognitive factors." This reads pretty much like our LPSS program. Maybe it's time for George and I to meet at a conference in Memphis again.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Jan 15, 2025 06:38 a.m.

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