WordPress.Com As OpenCourseWare
Jim Groom,
Feb 18, 2008
There has been a bit of a flutter on the ed tech side of things as the idea of taking open courses and converting them to WordPress documents or XML (or RSS) feeds gains ground. This has been around for a bit - I reported last year when Peter Shanks did it to Australian training packages. And the diagram above is my version of the sort of application being discussed today. So some might wonder what the fuss is. And others may question whether the mere open container constitutes a learning experience. But it seems to have gotten a kick over the weekend with Self Propelled Academic Messages (SPAM - heh :). And the new EduGlu is catching people's attention. And as Brian Lamb says, "once this stuff is inputted into WP, it can be quickly edited and adapted, right? Pieces picked out?" The point is, once we've got (what used to be) online courses in a form we can mess around with them, that's when the mashups and really creative acts (by students!) can begin. And hey, it made Tony's day - what more can we ask?
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