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Information about one of the authors cited in the OLDaily newsletter
International Journal of Information and Education Technology
Chicago Daily Herald
Attempting to format feed but no record ID provided.Lorna's JISC CETIS blog
Open World
Students and OERs: Exploring the possibilities
The thorny issue of MOOCs and OER
LRMI at the Cetis conference 2014
Exclude Teaching and Learning Materials From the Open Access Repositories Debate. Discuss.
The Dawn of Eduprog
Then and Now
Metadata Standardisation Update
JISC CETIS OER Technical Interest Group
A TAACCCTful mandate? OER, SCORM and the $2bn grant
We need to recognise where the burden of care falls in higher education
ALTC 2021 – Ethics, joy and no gobackery
OER24: Gathering Courage
Open Education and AI: Proselytisers, prophets and poets.
Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada