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[Yesterday's Stats] [Top Post Archives]
Most Visited Links Today
January 1, 2012
Building Personal Learning Environments by using and mixing ICT tools in a professional way Today: 294 Total: 3548
The Downes Prize 2011 Today: 208 Total: 2267
Grading Student Blogging Today: 131 Total: 598
Stop Waiting: A New Day for Learning Today: 122 Total: 38781
This is why you should use Internet Explorer 9 Today: 120 Total: 42698
Online Learning 2012: Six Issues That Refuse to Die Today: 81 Total: 472
Freeing the LMS Today: 59 Total: 5459
2011: The Year the Free Ride Died Today: 49 Total: 579
The Digital Learning Farm and iPad Apps Today: 35 Total: 458
Open Educational Resources in Brazil: State-of-the-Art, Challenges and Prospects for Development and Innovation Today: 31 Total: 327
Effective Assessment in a Digital Age Today: 27 Total: 4412
the online filter bubble Today: 26 Total: 805
Top Ed-Tech Trends of 2011: The Business of Ed-Tech Today: 25 Total: 1178
So.cl Experiment: Microsoft Launches Social Network For Students Today: 25 Total: 834
The Feynman Series (part 1) - Beauty Today: 23 Total: 1190
On-Demand is the Future of Online Learning Today: 23 Total: 367
COMING SOON: The Edudemic iPad Magazine! Today: 23 Total: 525
Khan and AI: Open Online Courses Today: 23 Total: 574
The Amazing Web 2.0 Projects Book! Today: 22 Total: 1940
Future Work Skills 2020 Today: 22 Total: 3127
Most Visited Links of 2011
Totals are since September 7, 2010
Freeing the LMS Today: 59 Total: 5459
Building Personal Learning Environments by using and mixing ICT tools in a professional way Today: 294 Total: 3548
YouTube Founders Acquire Delicious From Yahoo Today: 14 Total: 3274
Acceptable Use Policies in Web 2.0 & Mobile Era Today: 5 Total: 3260
Future Work Skills 2020 Today: 22 Total: 3127
Rushkoff to Google: Don't Give Up on the Humans Today: 9 Total: 2688
RSS Is Dying Being Ignored, and You Should Be Very Worried Today: 4 Total: 2620
A TAACCCTful mandate? OER, SCORM and the $2bn grant Today: 5 Total: 2571
The Learning Design Support Environment (LDSE) Today: 4 Total: 2373
Ten Obvious Truths That We Shouldn't Be Ignoring Today: 1 Total: 2371
In Victory for Open-Education Movement, Blackboard Embraces Sharing Today: 1 Total: 2340
The Downes Prize 2011 Today: 208 Total: 2267
Idea Framing, Metaphors, and Your Brain Today: 3 Total: 2222
All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace - Episode 2 Today: 4 Total: 2143
QR Codes: The nuts and bolts Today: 4 Total: 2099
Internet Connectivity: The Achilles Heel of the Peru Deployment Today: 3 Total: 2005
My eBooks Today: 5 Total: 2004
Children learning by themselves and progressive inquiry Today: 1 Total: 1975
Can you blame iPhone for this? Cisco is closing Flip Video camera business Today: 0 Total: 1974
Losing interest in social media: there is no there there Today: 3 Total: 1965
James Taylor Gives Free Acoustic Guitar Lessons Online Today: 1 Total: 1957
How Google Reader's Overhaul Betrayed and Irked Its Most Passionate Users Today: 6 Total: 1931
The crusade against college Today: 0 Total: 1926
A Network Theory of Power Today: 15 Total: 1913
Turn Your iPad 1 or 2 into an Interactive Whiteboard Today: 6 Total: 1912
Educational Technology and Related Education Conferences for June to December 2011 Today: 3 Total: 1890
How I Use a MacBook Pro (May 2011) Today: 2 Total: 1875
Colleges Spend Far Less on Educating Students Than They Claim, Report Says Today: 3 Total: 1868
Salesforce.com Acquires Dimdim Today: 1 Total: 1858
Crib sheet for 2011 Educase Horizon Report Today: 1 Total: 1856
Social media and research workflow Today: 4 Total: 1847
What's in a tweet Today: 1 Total: 1824
Princeton goes open access to stop staff handing all copyright to journals Today: 2 Total: 1819
The Wrath Against Khan: Why Some Educators Are Questioning Khan Academy Today: 0 Total: 1790
Why Are So Many Students Still Failing Online? Today: 3 Total: 1768
Why Is the Research on Learning Styles Still Being Dismissed by Some Learning Leaders and Practitioners? Today: 3 Total: 1757
A nightmare scenario for higher education Today: 1 Total: 1752
Second Life is Dead - Prepare for an OpenSim World Today: 1 Total: 1744
Noam Chomsky on Intellectual Property Today: 12 Total: 1743
15 Fantastic Ways to Use Flipboard Today: 3 Total: 1740
Most Visited Links All Time
Totals are since September 7, 2010
This is why you should use Internet Explorer 9 Today: 120 Total: 42698
Stop Waiting: A New Day for Learning Today: 122 Total: 38781
Introducing Edupunk Today: 8 Total: 7889
News Consumption, RSS Readers, and New Business Models Today: 2 Total: 5952
Freeing the LMS Today: 59 Total: 5459
Effective Assessment in a Digital Age Today: 27 Total: 4412
Chatroulette Today: 5 Total: 4351
BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) plus Indonesia are where internet and mobile are exploding Today: 10 Total: 4129
Superb Response to Previous Posting by Roy W. Smolens Jr. Today: 2 Total: 3716
Building Personal Learning Environments by using and mixing ICT tools in a professional way Today: 294 Total: 3548
YouTube Founders Acquire Delicious From Yahoo Today: 14 Total: 3274
Acceptable Use Policies in Web 2.0 & Mobile Era Today: 5 Total: 3260
Future Work Skills 2020 Today: 22 Total: 3127
The Real Life Social Network Today: 2 Total: 2892
Parents vote to shut off Wi-Fi at Ont. school Today: 3 Total: 2832
Examples of Instructional Materials on the Web Today: 5 Total: 2738
Rushkoff to Google: Don't Give Up on the Humans Today: 9 Total: 2688
RSS Is Dying Being Ignored, and You Should Be Very Worried Today: 4 Total: 2620
A TAACCCTful mandate? OER, SCORM and the $2bn grant Today: 5 Total: 2571
Download YouTube Videos As MP4 Files Today: 14 Total: 2499