Bringing the Press Into the Story
Dave Winer,
Scripting News,
Jan 03, 2005
Convergence. Dave Winer writes: "I can't trust you until I know where you're coming from. So a blogger always discloses his opinion on something he's reporting on, so we can triangulate, get a variety of points of view to determine what's really going on." Why is this the case? I wrote to ITForum today: "once a certain level of complexity is reach[ed], the having of a property or quality ceases to be a constituitive function and begins to be a contextual function... By 'contextual', what I mean is that the having of a property is a matter not merely of being composed a certain way, but of standing in a certain relation to a (large) number of external entities, the nature of which cannot be determinedCRLFby a study of the entity in question." I think this is important, but I need to think about it more (follow the entire ITForums thread here). To bring this full circle: it means that in the assessment of student work, the assessor is 'part of the story'.
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