George Siemens hits the mark nicely with this essay describing connectivism, the Information Age's answer to consructivism, behaviorism and cognitism. Most of what he outlines in this essay is what I have been advocating in the area of learning networks, but what Siemens has done is to express the principles, not as an organization of learning, as I have, but as a learning theory proper. I subscribe to the core principles of connectivism listed in the paper, but I would emphasize where Siemens does not that connectivism is essentially a learner-driven (as opposed to merely learner-centered) and decentralized approach to learning. I would also extend 'ability to see connections' to be something more like 'ability to see patterns of connections'. None of this is to take away from this paper, which I consider to be a substantial contribution, one that will be remembered well after this comment is forgotten.
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