This article comes with the imprimatur of Educause, however I confess that I think the list of 'must-have competencies and skills' is nonsense. The list is certainly not based in any competence definitions found in its three subdivisions: data skills, design skills, and human skills. For example, compare the list of data competencies in this article with what my own literature review finds. I haven't done a review of design literacy, but many people have; Eva Lutnæs for example. By contrast, the competencies offered in this article are superficial and topical - things like 'prompt engineering', 'mind mapping' - or so general as to be unhelpful - things like 'ethical' and 'reflective' and 'learning'. Related: another Educause article on AI literacy, also, Kevin Lyon creating a four-stage Bloom's-ish taxonomy for AI literacy.
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