This article (11 page PDF) discusses four foundations of indigenous ways of knowing and pedagogies: the relationship between the land and pedagogies; a pedagogy based in reciprocity and stewardship; oral and storytelling traditions; and learning from elders as "essential to preserving and maintaining Indigenous culture, language, and knowledge." What's important here (to my mind) is to ensure that both Indigenous and non-Indigenous students experience for themselves an Indigenous way of seeing and being in the world. For Indigenous students, especially, this helps them see their own values and culture reflected in what they learn, and not only a dominant western European philosophy of colonialism and exploitation of land and people. The authors "stress the importance of (1) acknowledging land as a conduit for domination, (2) recognizing all who teach us, and (3) Indigenous guest lecturers and intergenerational learning." Image: Zidny, et al.
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