The answer offered in this paper is, unsurprisingly, yes. "We believe that open pedagogy (OP) is an actualization of the ethics of care," write the authors. They report on a study of student perceptions of care and observe that "according to students, OP, because of its relational, collaborative nature, highly values and embodies care. The processes of OP encourage students and teachers to be attentive, responsible, competent, and trust-building." Obviously we cannot generalize at all from this study ("participants were self-selected), 100% of the focus group students (N = 16) were from one or more underrepresented groups") but the conclusion is intuitively plausible. I do feel some discomfort, though, in the reduction of the ethics of care to specific framework consisting of "attentiveness, responsibility, competence, and trustworthiness." Image: Educause.
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