This post presents "a process that we call 'unMOOCing', in which we transform the resources of a MOOC into OERs." Now of course MOOCs should all be open educational resources (OER) in the first place (it's in the name!) but of course certain private MOOC companies have (as they say) 'pivoted' to closed open resources. "Through the unMOOCing process, course developers can find new audiences for their learning resources. Republishing content in new formats facilitates reuse by other educators and assures that course content remains accessible even after a MOOC finishes." The bulk of the paper describes and assesses an actual process of unMOOCing; "the two unMOOCed materials that were considered as most useful (presentations and contents in a PDF) were downloaded by 90% of the learners." From a special issue of Sustainability on the future of open education.
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