I swear, I had flagged this for inclusion in the newsletter before reading all the way to the end of the post. What caught my eye was that it offered a look at the positive developments in the last decade of online learning, a welcome counterpoint to the doom and gloom we've heard from many pundits. What positive developments? Well we have cMOOCS and Connectivism, which if I may so humbly say, represented a big leap forward. We have web annotations (ok, they don't thrill me, but so what?). We have the renewed and welcome emphasis on equity and Inclusion in learning. We have data literacy (and I would add, increasing media literacy generally). We have open resources, domain of one's own, and microcredentials. That's a lot to add to the mix for one decade, and I, for one, am gratified to see the progress we as a discipline have made over the last decade.
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