Some more followup on the proposed Canadian copyright legislation. Barry Sookman offers a comprehensive summary of the law. This includes discussion of a provision not mentioned here before, "Bill C-32 creates a new cause of action against a person who provides a system that he knows or should know is 'designed primarily to enable acts of copyright infringement'." The intent is to outlaw services such as Napster or Pirate Bay. But there's a lot of latitude in what counts as 'designed primarily', though to be fair there are provisions designed to help a court make such a determination. Bill Rosenblatt describes the bill as a much-needed modernization of copyright law in Canada. I'm not sure I agree with that assessment. Meanwhile, Michael Geist offers part one of 32 questions and answers on the digital locks provision of the law. Meanwhile, the IFPI, the organisation that represents the recording industry worldwide, is calling for more restrictions.
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