The argument for slowing down…
Gráinne Conole,,
Nov 05, 2015
I've never been a fan of the slow food movement. Not because I like fast food - I have never been a fan - but because lingering over food has always struck me as self-centered and inefficient. Also, I have a microwave. So my feelings about the slow learning movement have been equally ambivalent. In two of Gráinne Conole's three points on slow learning, the emphasis is on quality (the third is on inclusiveness). Well, who would oppose these? What I don't see is the connection between being slow and promoting quality and inclusiveness. Yes, learning takes time, and no, we shouldn't pretend that a quick skim over a text or a one-hour lecture replaces learning. But when you're serving it like it was one of those six course meals in a fancy restaurant, you are indulging in unnecessary luxury. This is fine if it's your thing and at your own expense, but shouldn't be recommended for the rest of us. Image: Wynton's World.
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