The Web We Need to Give Students
Audrey Watters,
Hack Educa,
Oct 19, 2015
This post captures what is for me one of the major motivations for building a personal learning environment in the LPSS program: "The importance of giving students responsibility for their own domain cannot be overstated. This can be a way to track growth and demonstrate new learning over the course of a student's school career - something that they themselves can reflect upon, not simply grades and assignments that are locked away in a proprietary system controlled by the school. And if a student owns their own domain, as she moves from grade to grade and from school to school, all that information - their learning portfolio - can travel with them. Education technology - and more broadly, the culture of education - does a terrible job with this sort of portability and interoperability." To me this is simple and logical. Getting people to actually build it and pay for it - this is the much greater challenge (and the one I've been engaged in for the last few years).
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