Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ NYTimes rejects the MOOCopalypse

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

OK, I get this criticism, which comes from the NY Times, but I have a question. Here's the criticism: "They work well for highly skilled, highly motivated students but are potentially disastrous for large numbers of struggling students who lack basic competencies and require remedial education. These courses would be a questionable fit for first-time freshmen in the 23-campus California State University system, more than 60 percent of whom need remedial instruction in math, English or both." Now, the question: what are these students doing in university? Why are we charging them thousands in tuition and even more in state subsidies? If they are really uneducated and unmotivated, they belong in remedial education, not university, don't they?

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Jan 13, 2025 06:22 a.m.

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