This is a good paper and useful to those thinking about how to design personal learning environments (a topic in which I'm still interested even as work in it is drawn under the NRC's ever-widening cone of silence). In particular I note the following: "In high performance work systems (Toner 2011, Arundel 2006, Gospel 2007, Teece 2000) the following qualification profiles are emerging:
- High levels of communication, numeracy, problem solving and team working are required...
- Allow functional flexibility by limiting occupational demarcations and requiring workers to be competent across a broader range of tasks...
- Capturing the learning and work experiences of individual workers and teams of workers...
- Flat management hierarchies
The paper also contains some useful remarks on approaches to developing a PLE in the workplace and "the Learning Layers concept: an approach to support informal learning through PLEs."
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