Interesting post looking at most of the MOOCs that have been created thus far (Stanford’s AI, Couresa, Udacity, MobileMOOC, Connectivism and Connective Knowledge MOOC, Change11 and DS106) and identifying differences between them. Mak lists five types of MOOC: From Knowledge acquisition
- an instructivist approach – Stanford – AI, Machine Learning; Udacity, Khan Academy
- cognitivist approach – EduMOOC
to Knowledge growth and development (pattern recognition), learning as participation and connections, and reflection
- constructivist approach – DS106?, MobileMOOC
- social constructivist approach (with rhizomatic learning) – MOOCs
- connectivist approach – CCKs, PLENK2010, Change11, eduMOOC, MobileMOOC, EduMOOC
- an instructivist approach – Stanford – AI, Machine Learning; Udacity, Khan Academy
- cognitivist approach – EduMOOC
to Knowledge growth and development (pattern recognition), learning as participation and connections, and reflection
- constructivist approach – DS106?, MobileMOOC
- social constructivist approach (with rhizomatic learning) – MOOCs
- connectivist approach – CCKs, PLENK2010, Change11, eduMOOC, MobileMOOC, EduMOOC
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