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Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
"Higher ed," writes marketer Seth Godin, "is going to change as much in the next decade as newspapers did in the last one." It's just one of a multitude of similar sentiments contained in his manifesto Stop Stealing Dreams. The 30,000 word document is a light read - a very light read - but it's pretty good for what it is, and covers a lot of the same thoughts on education we've covered here over the years. Brainysmurf points to the major chnages Godin identifies in his article, themes that reappear throughout the document:
- "Homework during the day, lectures at night
- Open book, open note, all the time
- Access to any course, anywhere in the world
- Precise, focused instruction instead of mass, generalized instruction
- The end of multiple-choice exams
- Experience instead of test scores as a measure of achievement
- The end of compliance as an outcome
- Cooperation instead of isolation
- Amplification of outlying students, teachers, and ideas
- Transformation of the role of the teacher
- Lifelong learning, earlier work
- Death of the nearly famous college”
Like any good marketer, Godin refers only to people who are more famous, not less famous. But this is a pretty good summary of the ideas the people in the trenches have been working toward for the dast decade or so.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

Copyright 2025
Last Updated: Jan 20, 2025 01:02 a.m.

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