WSIS Knowledge Communities
Various authors,
Jan 05, 2012
You can now comment on the theme of the next World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) meetings, to be held in Geneva in May. Abel Caine writes, by email, "UNESCO is leading the online consultation, which is taking place right now on the WSIS KC online collaborative platform until 15 January 2012 (see the forum here). We have so far received 12 written comments and 3 video messages proposing various issues such as open access, indigenous peoples issues, ICT and education etc for the 2012 events. The interim report is available here. You can participate in the consultation process either by replying to a discussion board, or by uploading a video message. It will be opened until 15 January." While you're there read the new comprehensive report on ICT in Africa, just released a couple of hours ago.
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