DTLT Today's 100th Episode
Jim Groom,
Dec 14, 2011
I thought I'd listen first to DTLT 99 on the subject of copyright - there's a good link to Andy Baio's post on "the idea of a generation of youth who simply don’t understand copyright law and don’t follow it." I would add only that this generation is like all other generations, none of whom gave a lick about copyright, and didn't have to. What may be unique about the current generation si that it may be the last to share freely, unless we regain control of our democracy right away. But the main point of this link is to note DTLT's 100th show - proving that if you do something daily, it takes just over three months to reach 100. ;) Bava's 6th anniversary took, um, longer. And in unrelated news, Brent Schlenker is also celebrating six years.
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