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Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

Gráinne Conole does very good work, but a conference session consisting of standing in a circle around flip-chart sheets would send me running and screaming into the nearest woods, never to be found again. So, please, let's not make that an open education practice. Also, I'm not sure I like a model where 'policy-makers' (also called 'stakeholders') are distinct from 'creators' and 'users' - people who create and use should make the policy, in my view.

More important, I think, is the New Approaches to Defining OER paper posted a couple days ago. Don't miss it. "The focus of this paper is to present Learning Design as a potential solution and in particular to describe the work we are doing as part of the Open University Learning Design Initiative (OULDI), which is developing a suite of tools and resources to support teachers to make more effective design decisions... I argue in this paper that there is a need for new mediating artefacts to support teachers and learners in making best use of these tools and resources... These mediating artefacts can guide and support the teacher in making design decisions. They can provide mechanisms to help teachers answer questions like those posed above, to help them make decisions on which tools and resources to use and in what ways."

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Jan 19, 2025 12:42 a.m.

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