Create An Event

Intro This page will help you create an event listing and store it in the events database. Please note that you must be registered on this site to create an event. Login Options.

Starred (*) fields are required.
(*) Event Owner URL
Choose this URL carefully. No updates to this event will be allowed unless they originate from a subdomain of this URL.
(*) Event Title
Event Identifier
This is your own identifer for the end and can be whatever you want it to be. It should be unique to this event.
Event Parent
If this event is a part of a group of events, this is the identifier for the parent event. See Building Complex Events.
Event Star(s)
The people who are presenting. Just type their names as normal, separated with commas
Event Host(s)
These are people too - moderators, hosts, conveners. Just type their names as normal, separated with commas
Event Sponsor
This is the organization that sponsored or created the event.
Event Sponsor URL
This is the sponsor organization's website. Just one URL, please.
(*) Information URL
This URL takes the user to an information page describing the event. You may pick any page for this URL.
(*) Direct Access URL
This URL takes the user directly to the event. Note well: if the user cannot directly access the event from this URL, the listing will be rejected.
(*) Date / / (dd/mm/yy)
I could give you a fancy calendar Javascript popup, but do you really need it?
(*) Start Time +1:00 (Daylight savings time, summer time)
Time time in as normally (12:34 or 12h34 or even 24 hour 16h35 or 16:34). Don't forget to check the summer time if you are on adjusted time.
(*) End Time +1:00 (Daylight savings time, summer time)
Time time in as normally (12:34 or 12h34 or even 24 hour 16h35 or 16:34). Don't forget to check the summer time if you are on adjusted time.
(*) End Time
Or something else?
Description Maximum 2000 characters.