Component Frameworks
Bill Olivier,
Dec 20, 2004
Scott Leslie sent me notice of this very interesting presentation. The key is on the third slide (edited for syntax): "[The] Web Server paradigm fails lifelong learners – How? [The]Stateless browser leaves no trace behind. To manage their learning they need their own records. Lifelong learners attend multiple institutions over time, even at the same time. [They] have to learn a new environment at each. Their record and portfolio is scattered. They need a continuous connection for learning, but, if off-campus, this may be slow, unreliable, expensive. As eLearning becomes more complex, VLEs won’t scale. PLEs [Personal Learning Environments] allow the learner’s system to share the load." The solution proposed is complex, Java-based and Web-Services based. I think it needs to be simple, language neutral, and use appropiate protocols for appropriate tasks. My advice: don't try to build the whole thing at one. Roll out a simple open base platform and let people add on to it. Don't try to design it; let it grow. PowerPoint.
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