Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ If RSS ain't broke...

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
Good article on some of the discussion surrounding the potenmtial traffic problems that may be caused when numerous RSS readers check for new content every hour. The author argues that the complainer, Robert Scoble (who works for Microsoft) is depending on a flawed example to make his point, an MSDN aggregator that pulls together a thousand RSS feeds and which must be reloaded every time one of those changes (probably built by the same geniuses that brought us Outrlook). The author argues - and I agree - that RSS is not broken - after all, if we can check for new email every minute or so, we can manage RSS once an hour. But it goes beyond this - an RSS network itself should be distributed, so that there are few, if any, really high-demand traffic locations. I wish the author had explored this aspect a bit more.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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