This starts out as a good post but gradually decreases in quality with each successive paragraph, finally resting on the well-worn Socratic critique of writing, "forgetfulness in the minds of those who learn to use it." The main (and interesting) point addresses the relevance of the question in the title in the first place: "Such questions matter (not because of any answers they may or may not provide), but because their framing is indicative of a techno-determinist mindset, which is itself inseparable from the marketing of edtech products." Why? "The only meaningful question concerns how the technology is used in specific settings with specific groups of learners," which is something, says Philip Kerr, that a meta-analysis can never address (why not? we'll never know...). Alas, instead of pursuing what might have been a fruitful discussion, we are taken on a tour of poor and increasingly threadbare allusions (a line of coke, mental effort, cognitive load, The Shallows, profit-driven corporations, Socrates).
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