Watching My Doctor Teach
Alan Levine,
Dec 16, 2024
We could use more of this. No, I don't mean more Alan Levine posts, though the more of those we get, the better. No, I mean more on how people actually teach and actually learn. We get a lot in the literature about how it happens in the classroom. But the classroom is a very specialized environment, designed to deal with the need to foster a common set of knowledge and values on a large population despite constraints in staff and resources. But if we go out into homes or workplaces, we see teaching and learning happening all the time - the typical example being similar to the interaction between doctor and intern we see here. A father teaching a son about auto mechanics, another father encouraging his son to play piano, even the graffiti on the walls. Long conversations, themselves another form of learning. Someone at the store showing me a new type of tire lever. Learning to make curry from online videos. I wish I could declare a moratorium on all classroom-based research in education, and get people out into the community where learning actually occurs.
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