This paper draws on "four key areas of focus as 'visionary circles' through which transformation and renewal are manifested..: Ways of Knowing (teaching, learning, and research); Ways of Doing (policies, procedures, and practices); Ways of Connecting (relationships, partnerships, connections to land, and place); and Ways of Being (campus identity, inclusivity, leadership, and engagement)." It then generates "a new definition of experiential learning that includes different types of knowing and builds in aspects of relationality from Indigenous pedagogies," creating the 'A.I.R. Framework for high-quality experiential learning' (illustrated). 17 page PDF, which I provide as a direct download, because Cal State doesn't seem to understand how open access works, and thus requires that people register before viewing this CC-by licensed article. I registered so you don't have to. Via D'Arcy Norman's excellent Weekly Note.
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