The Case for Diamond Open Access
Justin Weinberg,
Daily Nous,
Jul 16, 2024
"In Diamond OA, there are no costs to either the author or the reader. Diamond OA journals are usually published by academic institutions, academic societies or funding organisations. The costs associated with publishing and peer-reviewing articles are typically covered by the institutions or organisations themselves rather than requiring authors to pay article processing charges (APCs). " Justin Weinberg writes, "As editors of one of our field's leading journals, we feel a strong responsibility to help build collective momentum towards a better arrangement: a publishing model that no longer wastes massive amounts of public resources feeding profits to private corporations, secures editorial independence against the pressures of profit-making and makes research available to everyone, free..." However, "Academics still face a massive collective action problem: we want a new arrangement but each of us, individually, is strongly incentivised to stick with the status quo."
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