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Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community


Hugh Rundle, Jul 02, 2024

I certainly agree with Scott Leslie's recommendation that this keynote address is worth a read. I gave it a nice slow thorough read while watching the baseball game after making a cycling video. Let me linger on three points:

  • "for Yunkaporta everything is about relationships and flows..." This is presented as traditional knowledge, but it's basically core knowledge for me too.
  • "classification, cataloguing, and ontological mapping... flattens reality into a list of predetermined categories and definitions."
  • "spam... exploit(s) existing aggregations of human attention... So every commercial website is mostly spam."

My response: Knowledge is about interactions and flows, but language distorts knowledge by flattening distinctions and creating focal points that attract power and influence. Artificial Intelligence (as we know it today) is based on language - they are literally 'large language models'. That's why is appears to reify colonial inequalities, when in fact if designed correctly could do the opposite, by transcending the limitations of language.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

Copyright 2025
Last Updated: Jan 20, 2025 1:49 p.m.

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