Movement Charter/Content/One-page draft
May 13, 2024
I find it interesting to juxtapose two documents, a statement from the Stanford Social Innovation Review on what it means to govern for all, and this document from the Wikimedia Movement declaring "the values, rights, relationships, and mutual responsibilities of all participants in the shared mission of this movement." There are numerous points of contrast, starting from Wikimedia's embracing of "a factual, verifiable, open, and inclusive approach to knowledge," and SSIR's failure to address the topic at all. There's the difference between 'inclusion' (in Wikimedia) and 'equity' (in SSIR). At the same time, Wikimedia embraces a 'shared vision', while SSIR limits this to fairness and consistency under the law. And, taking a few steps back, the SSIR document seems to be about the relation between us (the governors) and them (the people) while Wikimedia "entrusts decisions to the most immediate or the lowest possible level of participation". I don't think you get democracy without education, or education without democracy, but what either of those two things amount to is still very much open to debate.
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