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Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

EDSAFE AI Alliance

EDSAFE AI, Nov 15, 2023

I don't know enough about the organbization to know whether they're doing good or harm, but I can say that they exist, they have a network of partners, and they offer a 'SAFE Benchmarks Framework' based on safety, accountability, fairness and efficacy, which seems tio suggest an approach to AI based on risk-aversion, for "educators, policymakers, and the education community." There are also fellowships, which "are six-month programs that support exceptional and impact-minded individuals by providing an outstanding platform to learn and work on questions of AI in education." No word on whether they pay you or whether you pay them (which to me seems to suggest the latter). Partners include Cengage, classDojo, D2L, etc.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Sept 20, 2024 07:47 a.m.

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