What's Next for AR/VR and Immersive Learning
Contact North,
May 03, 2023
"Augmented and virtual reality (are) now engaging learners by connecting them to a vivid, multisensory and powerful real-time virtual experience," according to this article. Notwithstanding the cost and cumbersome headsets, "The technology is delivering." So what does the future hold? "AR/VR and their combined use in immersive learning experiences will continue to grow, with market forecasts seeing the sale of equipment and software growing from $22.1 billion in 2020 to $161 billion by 2025, fuelled by new technologies, AI-related developments and better design," according to a market report (I'm not sure whether I believe that). This article also looks at skills development needs to support this new industry: "One solution being explored in a variety of continuing education units and trades programs is to modularize apprenticeship and to offer both AR/VR training alongside work-based learning and support from a journeyman." Related: the predictive metaverse. Also: design for collaborative learning in the metaverse.
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