The whole story is basically in the headline. Coursera is introducing "Clips, which currently offer over 10,000 bite-sized videos and lessons from the world's leading companies and universities, and will scale to more than 200,000 videos by the end of the year." Now maybe this might turn into something useful (the page says it will roll out to business customers in June). But right now it's not even remotely useful: there's no 'clips' page; to view the sample 'clips' you have to enroll into Coursera (and you have to answer a long series of questions) and then you're simply taken to the course page where the 'clip' is one of the lesson videos. There's a big market for free-standing short learning content (consider CSPS's Busrides or Clark Aldrich's Short Sims) but Clips as currently available fails utterly to tap into that.
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