Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ Harvard pledges $100M to research, atone for role in slavery

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

Harvard should be praised for its extensive documentation of how it participated in, and benefited from, slavery an the legacy of slavery, as this report (134 page PDF) describes. But nobody should be fooled by reports that it will "spend $100 million" to atone. None of this money is actually leaving Harvard. As an examination of the recommendations shows, the money will be paid to Harvard staff to "engage" with descendant communities, specifically (and for example), "the creation, expansion, and dissemination of world-class learning opportunities—including curricular and pedagogical innovations, expanded access to existing resources, and outstanding teacher training." The Harvard University endowment was valued at $53.2 billion as of June 2021.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Jun 14, 2024 04:24 a.m.

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