Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ AI teaches brain tumor surgery better than human experts

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

This is a headline guaranteed to catch your eye, and possible to cause howls of protest. Here's the claim: a study (15 page PDF) has found that "in a remote environment, an artificial intelligence (AI) tutoring system can outperform expert human instructors." Specifically, "In this randomized clinical trial, VOA feedback demonstrated superior performance outcome and skill transfer, with equivalent OSATS ratings and cognitive and emotional responses compared with remote expert instruction." Why? "It helped students achieve higher expertise by bringing awareness to their metric goals during resections and setting measurable performance objectives, 2 effective strategies of learning theory." Moreover, "This AI intervention saved approximately 53 hours of expert supervision and formative assessment over 13 weeks compared with the instructor group while resulting in comparable OSATS scores." Something to think about.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

Copyright 2024
Last Updated: Sept 19, 2024 01:18 a.m.

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