Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ Google Does Some Evil and Franchises Blame to Individual Web Sites

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

This is just a small thing, but something I've also run into in my own development work, and these considerations apply not only to Google Fonts, but also other content delivery network (CDN) resources such as Javascript libraries, such as jQuery or React, and things like Font-Awesome. The issue is this: the resource provider gathers individual data from the CDN. "Google sponges user data via its fonts on my site, and I am subject to possible blame," writes Alan Levine, referring to things like the GDPR, which prohibits such data gathering. Now you could download and install these fonts and services on your own website, but it's not trivial, especially if you want to keep them up to date and secure (there are tools that do this, but installing them isn't trivial, and I still haven't figured how to put this all together in, say, a self-assembling Docker container).

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

Copyright 2024
Last Updated: Sept 09, 2024 12:46 a.m.

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