It has been a few years since people were paying a lot of attention to e-portfolios, but my enthusiasm for them has never waned. This paper (16 page PDF) reports on the ePortfolios for Dietetics Graduate Employability (eDGE) project at Griffith University in Australia and aims "to investigate the views of dietetics students on the usefulness of PebblePad as a learning platform and ePortfolio tool." Now this analysis is framed in terms of 'employability', that is, "a set of achievements - skills, understandings and personal attributes - that makes graduates more likely to gain employment and be successful in their chosen occupations." The 98 students responding found it useful, but question its utility as an employability tool. "Not sure an employer would look at your PebblePad portfolio," said one. And it's a good point, which is why I think the future benefit of e-portfolios will be tired to automated or AI-based portfolio analysis tools.
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