I remember when Angela Maiers came out with the you matter manifesto something like ten years ago and has basically made a career of it (that's not a criticism; I'm always happy when people can make a good career out of an idea). I felt at the time (and still do) that it should have been "I matter". But I guess "you matter" has a resonance to it, as we read here about #WhyYouMatter, "a public art campaign empowering students to love and appreciate themselves." It's tempting to dismiss this as a 'self-esteem fad' but it's actually an important idea, which is why I list 'how to value yourself' as one of the things people really need to learn. Anyhow, this article describes the work of Georgina Rutherford and Laura Naar, two art teachers in Michigan, who "led the entire school through a project where students were asked to consider 'why they matter.'" See more on their website, whyyoumatter.org.
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