As Tony Bates suyggests, you should read the report yourself. It says that " COVID-19 may be further exacerbating existing gaps in schooling" along social and racial lines. It argues, "remote learning during COVID-19 must be examined in an intersectional fashion" ands that "future studies should examine how racial/ethnic and social class differences also may vary by geography, potentially reflecting the diversity of educational approaches taken by municipal and state government." Bates comments, correctly, that there should have been a way to access raw data from the study; "It is one thing to draw conclusions from 100 students to drawing them from 100,000 students." He also wonders "how does access play out in the in-school system?" After all, these inequalities are not caused by Covid or online learning, and returning to the pre-Covid educational system may simply be entrenching existing radcial and social inequities, when in fact we should be doing something better.
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