Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ Code of practice for wellbeing and mental health analytics

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community

This code builds on Jisc's code of practice for learning analytics and extends the discussion to include "additional issues raised by the use of data for wellbeing purposes... on the use of data in delivering wellbeing and mental health support." I think this is a bit of a departure for Jisc, as we would normally think of health and well-being as something health professionals deliver, not educators, though while acknowledging this the code says "the day-to-day operation of wellbeing and mental health analytics may be conducted by appropriately trained and supported tutors and other staff," which may be true, but doesn't exactly make me feel comfortable. Maybe we can get some engineers to manage ethics for teachers; that would be OK, right? It's the sort of document that should be making you ask who is defining your codes of ethics and what authority they have to do this?

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025 04:53 a.m.

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