Content-type: text/html ~ Stephen's Web ~ No Cliché Left Behind: Why Education Policy is NOT Like the Movies

Stephen Downes

Knowledge, Learning, Community
It's OK to criticize public policy, in my book. But when you say disparaging things about Star Trek, that's going too far! The supposed 'Star Trek' method is: "(1) set a goal; (2) tell subordinates—in this case, state and local education agencies—to “make it so”; (3) watch as they use powerful technologies to accomplish this goal; and (4) repeat as needed." Well, that would be a poor approach to educational planning, I agree. But that is not how Jean Luc Picard - who is quoted with the phrase "make it so" - operates. It seems to me important that, if you are going to use a move as an example, to watch the movie first. This talk is from 2002, it is more recently revised, and it was cited on WWWEDU today, which is why I linked to it.

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Stephen Downes Stephen Downes, Casselman, Canada

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Last Updated: Jan 18, 2025 08:45 a.m.

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