Here's how Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA) chief executive Roberta Mock opened a recent conference:
"The TaPRA Executive wants you to feel welcome and valued – and not simply regardless of your nationality, gender, body, sex, race, ethnicity, dis/ability, age … but because of these lived experiences. TaPRA aims to facilitate an environment in which a productive balance of researchers at all career stages are able to work together, supporting and learning from each other … [It] is … important that we practise a form of radical acceptance and solidarity – that we make space, that we respect each other and that we look to common goals and aspirations."
I'd say this is a huge step forward, but not far enough. We need to promote, in my view, radical acceptance and solidarity even when we have different goals and aspirations. It's about what we can do for each other, not how we can make people align.
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